Types of overrides
Depending on where you place your overrides, they can affect your project in the following ways.
Types of overrides
Override type
Override placement
Format wide
\\Formats\[output format]\[override]
Bold or blue
Target wide
Bold or blue
Project wide
Not visible
The following table describes what the appearance of the files on the Manage Customizations tabs means.
Appearance of overrides on the Manage Customizations tabs
The override has an equivalent installation file and the file path is mirrored in the Targets or Formats override folder.
Folder and file names appear blue in the Manage Target Customizations or Manage Format Customizations tab under the following conditions:
The override has an equivalent installation file, but the file path is not mirrored in the target or format override folder. For example, the files in the Shared folder.
The override file does not have an equivalent installation file, but is located in the Targets or Formats folder.
You cannot add these override files to your project using the Advanced menu; you must add them manually using Windows File Explorer. In addition, you must compare file differences from Windows File Explorer.
Example: If you want to create an override to the locales.xml file, then you must copy the Shared folder, subfolders, and the locales.xml file into your Targets or Formats folder manually. The file path to the override file does not mirror the file path to the equivalent installation file.
Installation file path: C:\Program Files\WebWorks\ePublisher\2019.1\Formats\Shared\common\locale\locales.xml
Override file path: C:\[project_name]\Formats\WebWorks Reverb 2.0\Shared\common\locale\locales.xml
Applies to: WebWorks Reverb 2.0 and WebWorks Reverb format-level overrides
To understand this explanation better, review the topic Considerations for the Reverb Skin Formats.
Under certain circumstances, the files on the Manage Format Customizations tab might appear as follows :
If the selected skin has a target override in the file that matches the format file, but the format file does not contain any overrides, the format file appears gray.
If the format file contains an override, and the matching target file in the skin also contains an override, the format file appears gray and bold.
In both of these cases, the format files are ignored when the output is generated, whether or not it contains an override. The target override file is used instead.
Not visible
The override file is located at the top level of the Formats folder, but not within the folder of the specified format. For example, \\Formats\Adapters\xml\scripts\dita\wwdefault.config.
NOTE : For an example of when you might use the Adapter folder in a project, see the topic Mapping DITA Classes to ePublisher Styles in the WebWorks online help.
You cannot add or manage these types of overrides using the Advanced menu; you must add and manage them manually.
Published date: 10-17-2023
Last modified date: 09-28-2023