Super customizations
Super customizations (also referred to as wwtransform:super) are minimal overrides that enable you to isolate custom XSL code. The advantage of super customizations is that it enables you override an XSL file without mixing your custom code with the code in the installation file. This makes such overrides easier to maintain.
When you use the Advanced menu to create a super customization, a skeletal transform is created that is configured so that you can create overrides using the wwtransform:super mechanism.
Example of a super customization skeletal transform of content.xsl file
The code in the super customization file takes precedence over code in the installation file. The installation file’s code is only invoked if you use <xsl:apply-imports>. This enables you to process the code by using the templates in the underlying stylesheet.
Super customizations can only be applied to XSL files.
For more information about super customizations, go to the WebWorks wiki article titled wwtransform:super.
The following WebWorks wiki articles describe use cases that use super customizations.
Published date: 10-17-2023
Last modified date: 09-28-2023